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Historical Art
Soul of the Lion This item is an original print produced by Famous Civil War artist, John Paul Strain entitled "Soul of a lion".
This framed work displays two Drummer Boy images both Union & Confederate. They were both too young to die.
Iron Brigade routing and capturing part of Archer’s Brigade of A. P. Hill’s Corps, in Herbst’s Woodlot on July 1, 1862 in Gettysburg. Framed Size: 11" x 13"
Hancock's Ride Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock rides the Federal line preceding Pickett’s Charge. When an officer urged the General to take shelter, he responded, "There are times when a Corps Commander’s life does not count." Framed
Major Edmund Rice Leading the 19th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment engages the 14th Virginia Infantry at the climax of Pickett’s Charge. Framed Size: 26" x 36"
RemembOld Virginia Maj. Gen. George E. Pickett rides along the line of Brig. Gen. James L. Kemper’s Brigade just prior to the ill-fated assault on Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg on July 3, 1863. Men remembered Pickett calling out, "Up men, and
Marshall's Crossroads Charge of the 2nd WV Cavalry April 6th,1865
July 3, 1863 - During the Confederate attack on the Union Center at Gettysburg, the 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry attacks the left flank ofDavis' Brigade of Pettigrew/Trimble's Division, Army of Northern Virginia. Framed Size: 18" x 21"
The Last Stand of the Colors
Hancock's Ride Cemetery Ridge, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania July 3, 1863 Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock rides the Federal line preceding Pickett's Charge. When an officer urged the General to take shelter, he responded, "There are times when a Corps Co
Reynolds Chambersburg Pike just west of Gettysburg On the morning of July 1, 1863, Major General John F. Reynolds instructs Captain James Hall of the 2nd Maine Light Artillery Regiment where to position his guns.
The Bucktails were a renowned regiment from Northwestern Pennsylvania easily recognized by the bucktail attached to their hats. They fought in numerous battles including Gettysburg. Framed Size: 18" x 21"
Final Glory mini